What Is Holistic Health?
Holistic Health: Optimal Health on All Levels is Holistic Health
Would you love Holistic Health to be a part of your life?
I am a Holistic Therapist who went from healthy, to being told I had 3 weeks to live due to an incurable hyperthyroid disease. I looked like a skeleton, was unable to walk due to loosing my muscles, and chronically fatigued.
I studied holistic health with a vengeance and now am climbing 21,000 foot peaks!
I consider that I have holistic health, optimal health. The following is my favorite subject, my goal of living, for myself and all my clients: Holistic Health, which I like to call Holistic Optimal Health!
So Holistic Health is spiritual, mental, emotional and physical optimal health. But what does this mean?
Spiritual holistic health is the experience of being Peaceful Awareness accepting what is happening with your body. Awareness does not judge, it is simply acceptance, or what I call love watching. It is not affected by external circumstances, but is aware of the ego, the mind being upset by events. Go inside, what are you aware of, close your eyes, what are you aware of? Can you stop being Peaceful Awareness? Where is it? Does it have limits? Is it born? Does it die? This is your eternal God Self that includes the body but is not limited to what changes such as a body, thoughts, emotions, and sensations. Being Peaceful Awareness, you are one with God and are able to sense, feel, see, hear, know that you are loved by the Universal love, God by any name, regardless of external circumstances. It is the ability to trust that whatever is happening, is the Universe supporting you in a loving way to be your potential.
Now what may be happening externally, may not seem loving nor supportive at all to your ego, to your fearful self.
But from your True Self, one, aligned with the Universal wisdom perspective, you trust and know at some time you will understand how you are learning how to be more unconditionally loving in some way. Spiritual holistic health is the faith that everything is happening perfectly for our awakening into our potentials as the infinite love, one with God by any name, that we truly are, and living this on earth in human bodies.
Emotional holistic health is the ability to unconditionally love regardless of our external circumstances. It is the ability to feel unconditionally loved by the Universal love, to know that we are in essence, Universal love and that all existence is this Universal love too.
We may experience someone’s behavior as unloving and not like it, but we are centered knowing in reality, everything is Universal love. We may need to say no and object to the behavior, but at the same time live with our hearts open sending out love.
Mental holistic health, or optimal mental health is the ability to think positive and feel successful regardless of external circumstances. It is the ability to live following heart urges, intuition, internal guidance, one with your God Self, Peaceful Awareness. For example, when I was too weak to walk and crawled to the bathroom, in my mind, I was visualizing standing on a 21,000 foot peak and feeling vibrantly full of energy celebrating having optimal health. I lived as though I had optimal health even though my body at that moment was on the edge of dying. In 8 months, I was climbing 14,000 foot peaks, celebrating my optimal health, my holistic health. Yea!
My definition of physical holistic health is that you have energy to do your mission, your purpose on earth, share your gifts. So this standard of energy is unique to each person. Your mission may require you to have a high amount of energy like I have to climb super high peaks to do prayer work and earth acupuncture to balance the earth’s energy. Or perhaps you have a devastating disease like Parkinson’s, your energy is very low, and you are teaching the rest of us and yourself how to slowly die. Physical holistic health, or optimal health, is having having the energy you need to do whatever you have been called to do here on earth. It is the ability to unconditionally love and accept yourself physically so you are able to fulfill your purpose.
My goal for myself and everyone else is to live holistic health, to live optimal health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Holistic health is the ability to live unconditional love on all these levels regardless of external circumstances.