Alternative Medicine is not conventional medicine. So why is Alternative Medicine use the word medicine?
It is not science proven, nor needing a medical doctor to perform. Alternative Medicine can change your life forever if used properly and with disipline.
The word medicine notates that people used Alternative Medicine as though the folk remedies were medicine and would heal them. Alternative medicine is often holistic medicine treating the whole person on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and economic levels and has been used for a long time within a culture. These Alternative Medicine treatments were not documented and scientifically proven by scientists, but passed down by word of mouth generation to generation.
When you study quantum physics however and advanced energy healing, you become aware of how powerfully the mind creates reality. Healing at the deepest, most energetic level can simply be total 100% love, clarity, faith and commitment, and create amazing instant results.
For example I had a dog that tore his shoulder out of his socket, his leg was dragging. Doing mental psychic surgery, aligned with the Universal love, clarity, and commitment, the dog’s shoulder flipped back into the socket and he continued to run after the moose.
The dog obviously was open, receptive and had no opposing thoughts to stop the healing from happening.
Another example is with Christ telling people, it is by your faith that you are healed.
Folk medicine originally may have been very effective herbal remedies and practices. Additionally, over time, the healing power could have increased with families telling each other how effective they are. Now these remedies and techniques are known as Alternative medicine.
Unlike conventional medicine in which a drug is taken that gets rid of the symptom, the Alternative Medicine approach is to strengthen the body to heal itself. This is true of homeopathy, which is an alternative medicine containing only light vibrations.
When I give someone homeopathy, this medicine is reminding the body about what is still imbalanced. Our body wakes up and naturally wants to balance the issue. The problem is that the body is great at creating homeostasis, and adapting to issues, thereby forgetting to balance the issue .
All Alternative Medicine techniques energize our bodies with some communication holistically on all of the six levels, to awaken our body to rebalance itself and self heal. Alternative medicine is holistic and heals the sources of the issue, compared to conventional medicine only eliminating the symptom.
Often the toxicity that created the symptom is pushed deeper into the body and hidden by conventional medicine according to Dr. Reckeweg, a doctor who became a homeopathic doctor using Alternative Medicine.